Who is Lazar Dukic, the athlete missing in the CrossFit Games 2024 ?

Image Source - lazadjukic (Insta)

Lazar Đukić is a Serbian CrossFit athlete who is Famous for impressive performances in various CrossFit competitions.

Image Source - lazadjukic (Insta)

Đukić has consistently been one of the top competitors in Europe and has represented Serbia multiple times at the CrossFit Games.

Image Source - lazadjukic (Insta)

Lazar Đukić was born in Serbia and has emerged as one of the top CrossFit athletes from the region.

Image Source - lazadjukic (Insta)

His best finish was in 2022, where he ranked 9th overall, a significant accomplishment given the intense competition.

Image Source - lazadjukic (Insta)

Đukić was last seen on the live stream approximately 100 meters from the finish line.

Image Source - lazadjukic (Insta)

Witnesses reported that he appeared to be struggling during the swim portion of the event.

Image Source - lazadjukic (Insta)

Emergency personnel, including divers, were immediately dispatched to search the lake.

Image Source - @wfaa (X)

As the search continues, the CrossFit Games have adjusted their schedule to accommodate the investigation.

Image Source - @wfaa (X)

CrossFit Games officials confirm an athlete died in a Fort Worth lake during the event's opening competition this morning. The name of the Athlete has not been released yet.

Image Source - @wfaa (X)